Scholarship provided directly by the Government of Hungary is available only for citizens of EEA, or Hungarian nationals living Ukraine or Serbia.
Full-time students coming from certain non-EEA countries are entitled to apply for the scholarship of the Stipendium Hungaricum Program. The countries included in the program need to have a valid bilateral educational cooperation plan signed by the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources and the relevant ministry of the specific country responsible for education. The scholarships are awarded by the Hungarian Minister responsible for education based on the nomination of the Hungarian Scholarship Board Office (Balassi Institute). The pre-selection of the candidates is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the given country or by the scholarship board appointed by that ministry. Each and every candidate need to take an entrance exam in order to be eligible for the scholarship program, so it is highly recommended to contact us before you apply to this scholarship. Number of the available Stipendium Hungaricum scholarships is determined by the Balassi Institute. All the applicants who fulfil the enrolment requirements and win the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship can start their PhD studies at our doctoral school.
The applicant who is awarded the scholarship receives the following allowances:
- tuition fee is fully covered
- monthy scholarship for the complete calendar year in the amount of HUF 140.000 (cca. USD 500, depending on the current exchange rate)
- guaranteed place in a dormitory of our university (in case of the lack of capacity, a sum of HUF 30.000 / month (cca. USD 100) covering the costs of accomodation)
- health insurance
For further information please turn to the Ministry of Education or the Hungarian Embassy in your country, or visit:
Students who not qualify to the Governmental Scholarship Program or Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program, can continue their studies for a tuition fee of USD 6500 / academic year (2 semesters). Health insurance and student card are included in the tuition fee. Because of the Hungarian legal regulations we can offer only full-time PhD program for non-EU and EEA-citizens.
Application procedure
What we need for an application
- Application form (available here)
- Detailed English CV
- Master degree of law or social sciences (international relations, etc.) and its English transcript
- 2 recommendation letters from previous professors
- proposal for a research topic chosen from the ones offered by our doctoral school or a new topic with a detailed description
- copies of the relevant pages of the passport
- vaccination report for Hepatitis B, Rose-rash (Rubeola), Mumps (Parotitis epidemica) and Measles (Morbilli)
- an evidence of payment of USD 150 non-refundable registration fee
All the documents must be sent to or you can apply directly here:
At our university application deadline is 15 May in every academic year. Application deadline for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship may be different, for further information please visit the website of the Stipendium Hungaricum Program.
Enrolment evaluation
The core members of the doctoral school evaluates every applicants. Personal interview (via skype) is required. Applicants will be notified about the date of the interview in advance, and our doctoral school tries to take into consideration the different time zone of the applicant (if it is necessary). During the interview we try to evaluate the applicants' language skills, motivation, his/her general knowledge about the research topic and the excellence of the research plan submitted.
Main categories of evaluation are:
- average of the MA diploma and other professional activities (up to 30 points, based on the documents submitted previously).
- initial scientific/professional activity (up to 30 points, based on the documents submitted previously). Including, but not limited to: publications, conference papers and presentations, professional competitions etc.
- Suitability for research (up to 40 points, general knowledge about the research topic, the excellence of the research plan, motivation).
Students have to reach at least 55 points as a minimum entrance requirement.