Head of Doctoral School
The University of Debrecen as one of the few Hungarian universities of national excellence has the widest range of doctoral trainings in Hungary: we have at the moment 24 doctoral schools in 5 disciplines (agriculture, arts and humanities, medicine, social sciences and sciences). The Doctoral Council of Social Sciences contains 2 doctoral schools: Karoly Ihrig Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration, and Geza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies.
The Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies at the University of Debrecen started its first semester in 2006, and the Hungarian Accreditation Committee prolonged its accreditation in December 2014 till 31 December 2019 unanimously (Decision No. 2017/10/X/7/2/1162). For more information about our Doctoral School please visit the website of the Hungarian Doctoral Council.
Currently, one doctoral program is available in the Doctoral School: ”Changes of state and law in Central and Eastern Europe”. One of the aims of our doctoral program is to contribute to the education of the next generation of academics in the area of law at a high standard. Further, in the long run, we also intend to satisfy the increasing demand for PhD degrees to be an indication of the capability for a high level of abstraction, as well as of the knowledge and talent necessary for the application of the findings of academic research. Related to the above, we intend to develop the ability of candidates for (primarily applied) research, who will then, at a later stage in their careers, be able to put their high standard of knowledge to use in the appropriate area of administration or legal practice. We develop skills in capable individuals that enable them to use empirical and other academic research methods in a targeted and full-fledged manner, and to produce book-length, original publications in specific areas of scholarship. As a sign of our respect for the juridical traditions of Debrecen, on 1 September 2011 our doctoral school adopted the name of Géza Marton, legal scholar, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and former professor of the university.
We offer an accredited full-time English PhD program to our PhD students, and the topics offered by our PhD supervisors covers almost all fields of legal studies. At our homepage you can find more detailed information about our PhD program, the thesis topic proposals, but if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
We are proud that our Doctoral School has 14 PhD students and 1 PhD candidate in our English PhD program from 4 different countries (For example: People's Republic of China, Republic of Indonesia, Jordan and Turkey). One of our PhD students won Balassi scholarship, and 3 of them won most of them scholarship as a proof of their excellence.